Many really fun things have been happening in our neck of the woods, and I am so sorry the whirlwind has caused the blogging to fall by the way side in the meantime! Lets play catch up...Lance has started a new job, we sold our house, we moved to Longview, Texas, and are now officially settled. This all transpired in a matter of a little less than 2 months. Let me take a few steps back and not leave out the details...We originally moved to Tyler a little less than 2 years ago for Lance's job, which he LOVED. Due to the major crash the oilfield encountered, he was laid off. He was fortunate to find another job right away during such a hard time economically and for that we were thankful. He had high hopes that things would turn around in the oilfield and at some point (hopefully soon:)) he would have the opportunity again to be back with the same company; and...He did!! Right after Christmas, he was offered his job back!! We were so thrilled! The position was not in Tyler, yet, about an hour and 15 minutes further east of Tyler. This required us to move. We were not required to move to the same city, but within a certain radius of that specific area. That brought us to Longview. The journey since the day we found out about the job until now all happened so quickly. We found out we had to move, and we sold our house within 5 days. Praise God! We have some good friends in Tyler that had some friends at their church which were looking for a new home. They came to the house and after looking around decided they wanted to buy our home on a Thursday, we signed papers that next Tuesday and closed 3 weeks later. HOLY MOLY, right?? RIGHT!! We weren't really sure how long it would take to sell the house since the housing market stinks so bad right now, but feel very thankful it was so stress free! We couldn't have sold the house to a better couple! We developed a friendship with them, and even went to eat dinner with them the night we closed. They are so great! They really love the house, and that was my main concern. It was hard leaving that place, we had only been there less than two years, and we had put so much of "us" in there. It was hard walking away, yet very eager and anxious for our next chapter! The transition was so smooth and it was a confirmation for us to know that we were doing the right thing. We often look at each other and say with a little laugh, "do you realize how drastically our life changed in a matter of 8 weeks?" Man, from the time Lance was laid off a year ago to regaining his title
merely a month ago, we have learned SO much. As controversial as this may be, I don't believe God "creates" hard times, but I do believe that in the midst of it, he uses those times to mold our character, strength, marriage, faith, and to humbly bring us to our knees reminding us that we are his children and all that we have is his, and all that we need is him. Wow, what a lesson. Hard times aren't necessarily "fun" but we are so grateful for the perspective it put on our life, and humbly thank Him for his sovereignty. Lance and I feel like through this financial "scare", we grew so much as a young married couple, and as crazy as it sounds wouldn't change anything about it. The lesson was so priceless. Whew!! So, that is our life all wrapped up in a nutshell! We are LOVING our new place in Longview, and below are some pics of our new humble abode! Here are a few other updates since the last blog update:
1.) My sister found out she is Pregnant!! She is having a girl!! So excited for Emersyn Rose Kennedy's arrival. She is going to be SO loved! :) She is due August 9th!
2.) One of my besties Melissa is pregnant with her second little precious. She is also having a GIRL!!!! Praise God for such an easy, healthy pregnancy for her. It hasn't always been easy. Tatum Lauren Grimes is due July 17th. Eagerly anticipating her arrival!
3.) This past Friday (March 19th) my mom had part 2 to her mastectomy surgery. This was more reconstruction. She is doing very well! She has one more minimally invasive surgery to come this summer, but not sure on the date yet. She is a strong lady. She's amazing!
4.) I am finishing up the first half of Dental Hygiene School! At the end of April, I will officially be half way done! WHOOHOO!!! It is a very demanding program, but SO much fun! I really look forward to going everyday. I'm a nerd, I realize this. :)
5.) No baby updates from me! :)
6.) Lance has been back with Hughes Christensen for almost 2 months now, and he loves every minute of it! He really enjoys what he is doing.
Now for the pics:

Here She is!
Don't look past that cute little brown thing on the right side of the rug! :)

Living Room
Living Room
Living Room
Master Bedroom. Still looking for the perfect curtains. Anyone have any ideas???
Master Bedroom
Bedroom #1/Media Room
Bedroom #1 that we are using as a media room. Walls are still lacking a little...

Bedroom #2
Bedroom #2
Our partially completed patio. Much more to come!
This big 'ole pot is my green thumb project. I am really wanting to plant some hydrangeas! Love those!!
OH MY GOSH! WHAT A CUTE PLACE! I am so glad yall were able to find something you love. Jeff and I are so happy for yall. I loved how you talked about you felt these trials in your lives have brought you and Lance closer as a couple. I think that is what makes a good marriage and even more so, a lasting marriage. You and Lance continue to be such a great friends and we can all learn from you two!
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted. Jeff and I hope to be able to get a visit from you this summer!!!
I love the new house!! LOVE YOU
ReplyDeleteI love love love the house so much! I can't wait to see it in person too! And how sweet of you to mention me on your blog! You are the sweetest friend ever! love you tons! :)